Walkerville Cricket Club has joined the Good Sports Program in 2016 to help promote playing the game we love in the environment that is comforatable and secure for everyone involved. You can click on the links below to read our commitment to the program and any further questions please let me know at paul@walkervillecricketclub.com.au .
What is the Good Sports Program-
We love sport. We know that sporting clubs are the beating hearts of our communities.
We want to see more families enjoying sporting clubs and socialising together. We want women and children to feel just as comfortable in the clubrooms as men.
We know that binge drinking drives families away from sports clubs, so we’re all about supporting clubs to put sport – not booze – in the spotlight.
Good Sports is a three-step program for sporting clubs. We provide resources and training to help clubs tackle alcohol-related issues as well as mental health, smoking and obesity.
Our aim is for all Australians to be the healthiest they can be. Find out how we aim to do this here.
Good Sports is run by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, which has more than 50 years’ experience – so you’re in safe hands.
Further information can be found here.
Walkerville Cricket Cub has committed to this initiative and you can download the relevant policies below.
Alcohol Management Policy Club Function Policy
Safe Transport Policy Smoke Free Policy
Kind Regards
Paul Reid
President WCC